Becle is committed to creating sustainable growth and becoming one of the most efficient spirits producers.

We apply ESG criteria in our decisions, processes, and operations across our value chain.

In 2022, we redefined the way we do business with the launch of a robust sustainability strategy to improve ESG goals and initiatives within our operations and throughout our value chain.

For the 19th consecutive year, we obtained the Socially Responsible Company (ESR) Distinction, granted by Cemefi and AliaRSE, which recognizes our commitment to sustainable operations.

From Source to Market

Our efforts reduce our negative environmental impact through innovative solutions in energy, waste, water, sourcing, and packaging of our products.

Looking After Our People

Our efforts have created a positive impact in the life of our employees and communities through initiatives in responsible marketing and drinking, community development, occupational health and safety, training, among others.

Sustainable Governance

We are committed to establishing a system where sustainability succeeds and that strengthens trust with the Company’s external stakeholders.

Socially Responsible Company (ESR) Distinction for the 19th consecutive year.

2023 Integrated Annual Report